A Fool’s Mouth

(Pro.18:7) “A fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare to his soul.”

As Christians we have to be very careful with the words which come out of our mouth. What comes out of our mouth often determines the difference between us operating as fools (a person lacking in judgment or prudence) or wisdom (applying God’s word to our lives with skill). Thus, those Christians who constantly speak negatively, those who constantly speak pessimistically are living their lives as fools.

You can profess to be a Christian all you want to; however, speaking negatively about the majority of things in your life or others will bring about your destruction, and eventually trap your soul in a pit of darkness. We have to be very careful with words because once you speak them you can never get them back. It doesn’t matter how much you apologize, the fact is that those words have been loosed in the ears of another, and will bring about damage to those who are not mature in Christ.

In fact, mature Christians are often affected as well. Saints of God, words are used so freely today, especially with the invention of email, twitter, facebook…etc, that we often don’t pay close attention to the words we speak. Thus, even written words are spoken words. Therefore, let us who are Christians speak life, even when it looks as if the situation is hopeless, because as a believer the power of life is in your mouth.

God Bless You

Pastor Versal Mason

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